nOw yOu knOw

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Kuala Lumpur, sentul, Malaysia

Friday, May 27, 2011


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله 

How are u guys??
i want to talk something about FRIENDS..
all this began from Facebook..
i just want to improve my english language,
that is why i add n accept friends from other country..
it is interesting to know them
can know their lifestyle,culture,food n what so ever...
only one that i don't like it
they are too much when praise someone..
i'm not said that they praise me,
ya,it is..haih~~~~
i become so shy..
n so humble..
have something happen also to me..
n make me bad mood on that day...
some guy,took my photo in FB,
then,he edit here n there,
he post at my wall...
u know guys??
when i online,
i'm so shocked!
i feel very uncomfortable..
suddenly,my friend,male,
he chat with me,
he said,he shocked when see have some guy
post MY PHOTO at my wall...
u know??
start on what he said,
i'm feel so worried...
i don't know,
how many people on FB,
has saw my photo on my wall...
i don't put any photo without hijab..
i always put my photos with hijab n veil n
i'm put only focus on my face..
not full picture..
my male friend advice me,
be careful,because we don't know what happen..
he is correct..
i accept his advice..
he give me suggestion,
put cartoon photo,
so that,anybody can't do anything bad on it...
he is true..
insya-ALLAH,i will do it..
so,the moral of my story is,
plz take care on what ever we do especially 
in social net.
it is very dangerous
we don't know weather
people on net is sincere or
they have some plan to trick us..
be careful for those who are always
take inappropriate pictures,
especially women,gurls,lady or what so ever...
that is!