nOw yOu knOw

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Kuala Lumpur, sentul, Malaysia

Thursday, March 24, 2011

mY COurSe!

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
erm..quite easy because
my subject just have 5 sub..
enough for me.. (@_@)
my lecturer for CTU..she is USTAZAH..
cute and i really like this sub..
it is because i like to learn more about my religion..
she is soft spoken..
she has twin son..
neither of her son name is Ikrimah..

my microeconomic is Madam Florida..
she is pretty women who teach us..
i like her hair style..
curly and it looks very pretty..
she is soft spoken..
she will explain slowly if we do not understand..
on this class..
i always felt sleepy..
why??i do not know..
eco class did not have class in the evening..
maybe i was tried
because of overnight last day..

i like when he teach us..
he is funny person..
he is chubby lecturer..he is
Mr. Ahmad Faisal!
many of jokes he do i will still remember..
during his class,we felt very happy..
so hilarious!
last week,he brought us some goreng pisang..
his mom's prepared..
nice and sweet..
last week again..
he brought us ketupat..
at the beginning..the taste is salt..
but it is actually nice..

she is thin..
just thin..
if we did not do her work..
she will get angry...
her voice very loud!
we scared with her..
she always gave us lots of work..
she want us to remember her always..
yeah!we never forget u Miss Rashina!
she is cute..but,she is rushing person..
i like when she and my classmate,Meezy
debate each other..
Meezy like to ask Miss anything..
Miss must answer it..
never not!
Miss actually worried about us..
our chapter become shorter..
we learn only 5 chapter out of 10!
i hope,i can cope this sub very well...

Sir Sueb is my BEL lecturer..
he is very nice..
he always doing activity that will make us speak up..
i admit..
my class is passive..
we learn english sub very well with him..
we doing lots of essay using transparent..
quite expensive..
if every day we buy it..
i think
we will get poor..
for study,i do not care..
the important thing is,
i got the knowledge..


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
let's we talk about..
i got so many friends..just around malaysia..
i like to share something..
my it to know her name..
she was wrote something about her test..
hurm..i see,it is quite difficult..
she was angry cuz has some student was cheated!
if we,we also will get angry..right??
she felt very upset..and really upset..
hurm..i have read the writing..
and there were has many of complained and bad comments..
i knew..who do not satisfied with her..
she must be the one who were cheated!
i really knew it..
why is she got angry with my friend?
if she does not lie,why must got angry??
it is all truth!
she is liar!
i also was wrote that,"who are doing a wrong,they must feel it.."
i do not like they are always feel unsatisfied..
i tried to calm them down..
if we got something,please,take care of it..
seems with study..
if we got opportunity to further our study..
please..thankful and do not ever waste it..
we must keep on trying..
till we get tired never mind..
just go! not be liar..
be sincere of what we has done!
GOD always watch us..
did you think that
 HE always be anywhere..??
used our brain..
these i credited to all my viewers..
i'm a human being..
i'm not a PROPHET..
i'm not an ANGEL..
of course i'm not an EVIL!
i do lots of mistake..and i want somebody guide me..
it is friends..a truly friends..
so..i hope,what i had wrote..
will give us knowledge..

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

test,quizzes,assignment and exam!

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

we as student always think for a better future..
we want the best for our life..
what the thing that we should do to perform our confidence..
our intelligent and hard work??
lecturer start playing with us..
gave us lots of exercise..till we cried!
i always scared before my account class start..
my MISS is a very cute person..
she is thin and very soft voice~~~
i do my mistake when my name is called..
oh my ALLAH! the wrong solution.. 
crush!broken!my heart!..
even though it is a little mistake,
i must accepted..
that is my motivation to do the better work latter..!!
my fear to her is not a joke okeyy..
she is really really upset if we
could not got the answer for some questions..
i and my friends..
we are always feel down..
no motivation..
only nagging by ourself when lots of work have to do..
we get many of competitors..
we scared to face all this!
heartbroken usually refer to those who are in love..
it is also can be used for those who has in this condition..
as long as we keep on trying...
insya-ALLAH,we can do it!