nOw yOu knOw

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Kuala Lumpur, sentul, Malaysia

Thursday, April 14, 2011

human attitude

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
how are you guests??
today i want story about HUMAN ATTITUDE..
i want share this.
i know something from my friend..
she was very angry and
she ask me
"do you want to listen my story??"
i said "yup!"
then she start..
her friend,boy,at her campus
do something that she doesn't like..
she sent her assignment to her lecturer..
at lecturer's room.
but,she just put below on the door..
she put some note too..
what note??
the note about group members problems.
the lecturer not realize the assignment and
also the note.
suddenly,the boy took the note and read..
about an hour latter~~~
the lecturer has told to her that the boy was read first the note.
after that,she go to the canteen with her group members.
the boy has message her friend 
and ask something..
"who is "her" group members??"
her friend show the message to her
and she said to her friend just say "i don't know."
she got the feelings that the boy want to know about the note.
actually,she don't write any names on that note.
that is why the boy ask her friend to know about it.
so BAD!
when she said all this to me,
now i know
why my friend ask me about 
who is mostly close with her..
during that time,i'm at my room..
i don't know about this before..
so,i just tell my friend who close with her..
and when i know about this,
actually,it is this matter!
 i don't know how to say..
now,she and my friend is TAUT!
i'm really angry with that boy..
why he must exposed other personal problems to others??
he like more bad than really women!
the lecturer know about this and
he will talk to the boy..
i hope,this matter will be solved..
and,she and my friend will be good..
i hate when someone try to destroy others relationship!
i hope so that the boy regret..
from this story,i hope we will take care about our ATTITUDE..
our ATTITUDE is reflected OURSELF!

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